Jon Meyer

Job Titles:
  • Owner
Indiana Pet Fence's owner, Jon Meyer, is a Valparaiso resident with his wife, Kim, and children, Zach, Alison & Bekah. They're not only dog lovers, but animal lovers. Over the years, they have owned a variety of dogs; Giligan, Rufus, Jake, Spanky, Snowball & Tanya along with several gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, turtles, fish and chameleons. Jon Meyer served in the Marines in the 1980's and earned a bachelors and masters degree while working in the medical industry repairing and selling diagnostic equipment throughout the Midwest. In 2006, Jon opened Indiana Pet Fence, convinced that Pet Stop® products and the company behind them are the best in the industry. His positive attitude, attention to detail and quick response to customers has earned him business throughout NW Indiana. Jon has worked with several trainers and pet containment professionals to refine his installation and training techniques so every job is first class and every pet is contained safely. In fact, if Jon can't contain your pet, he'll give you your money back!