Updated 898 days ago
- Age: 22 years
- ID: 7006393/118
630 Elmira Rd. Ithaca, NY 14850, USA
ICM was incorporated in April of 2001 as a focused R&D effort developing small, remote-controlled devices which could climb vertical surfaces, particularly surfaces with boltheads, weld seams, plates and other obstructions commonly found in real life field conditions. With the assistance from three government grants, founder and investor capital, ICM embarked upon a saga of intense exploration. The result: the technology has flourished into its current market-ready climbing machine...
ICM has developed a technology to radically alter how elevated height work is performed. Our portable, remote-controlled devices can scale virtually any vertical or inverted surface, and, because they are operated safely from the ground, humans are not exposed to dangerous heights or to dangerous chemical or toxin environs...
ICM has developed a magnetically held robot specifically to climb and clean Boiler Tube Walls in power plants.
Also known as: International Climbing Machines