Updated 28 days ago
15715 Tuckerton Rd. Houston , TX 77095
Real Property Management Houston is the affordable solution to managing rental property and we are pleased to offer the most focused and knowledgeable management team in the Houston,TX area. Clients appreciate our expertise in leasing and management because it translates to better care and more attention to their investments...
At Real Property Management Houston we provide full scale, dependable and trustworthy property management services at competitive rates. When you have an investment property, you deserve the finest in property management. Whether you are a single property owner or a real estate investment firm, we'll effectively manage your property. Our portfolio currently includes single-family homes, apartments, and condos/townhomes.
Also known as: Real Property Management Houston
Associated domains: houpropertymanagement.com, houston-rpm.com, houstonpropertymgmt.com, propertyleasinghouston.com, propertymangementhoustontx.com, propertymgmthou.com, realpropertymgmthou.com, rpmpropertymanagmenthouston.com