Updated 8 days ago
PO Box 69 Wyandotte, MI 48192
HNT Logistics excels at providing its clients with comprehensive, executable solutions to optimize the supply chain; enhancing customer service and reducing total cost. As a comprehensive logistics service provider, HNT Logistics provides value-added services to customers in a series of steps...
First, HNT Logistics works with potential customers to gain an understanding of the specific supply chain challenges and jointly explore opportunities regarding strategic supply chain issues such as collaborative bidding, network optimization, supplier sourcing logistics impact analysis, distribution site selection, rationalization of distribution centers or warehouses, logistics and transportation benchmarking, shipment mode optimization, and cross-docking optimization...
Second, HNT Logistics provides tactical decision making services such as carrier contracting, rate analysis and negotiation, process definition and improvement, and performance measurement and reporting.
Also known as: HNT Logisitics, LLC, HNT Logistics, LLC