HOLD BROTHERS CAPITAL - History of Changes

2023-07-31 update robots_txt_status www.hold.com: 404 => 200
2021-12-09 delete source_ip
2021-12-09 insert source_ip
2020-09-21 delete address 10 West 46th St New York, NY 10036
2020-09-21 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain embedmaps.org
2020-09-21 insert address One Pennsylvania Plaza New York, NY 10119
2020-09-21 update primary_contact 10 West 46th St New York, NY 10036 => One Pennsylvania Plaza New York, NY 10119
2018-05-29 delete source_ip
2018-05-29 insert source_ip
2018-05-29 update robots_txt_status www.hold.com: 200 => 404
2017-01-13 delete about_pages_linkeddomain cboe.com
2017-01-13 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain cboe.com
2017-01-13 delete index_pages_linkeddomain cboe.com
2017-01-13 delete management_pages_linkeddomain cboe.com
2016-10-06 insert about_pages_linkeddomain cboe.com
2016-10-06 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain cboe.com
2016-10-06 insert index_pages_linkeddomain cboe.com
2016-10-06 insert management_pages_linkeddomain cboe.com
2016-09-08 insert address 10 W 46th St New York, NY 10036
2016-08-11 insert about_pages_linkeddomain finra.org
2016-08-11 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain finra.org
2016-08-11 insert index_pages_linkeddomain finra.org
2016-08-11 insert management_pages_linkeddomain finra.org
2016-07-06 delete address 10 W 46th St, Suite #1407 New York, NY 10018
2016-05-05 delete address 1177 Ave of the Americas, 2nd Floor New York, NY 10036
2016-05-05 delete address 525 Washington Ave, Suite 2450 Jersey City, NJ 07310
2016-05-05 delete address 525 Washington Blvd, Suite 2450 Jersey City, NJ 07310
2016-05-05 insert address 10 W 46th St New York, NY 10018
2016-05-05 insert address 10 W 46th St, Suite #1407 New York, NY 10018
2016-05-05 update primary_contact 1177 Ave of the Americas, 2nd Floor New York, NY 10036 => 10 W 46th St New York, NY 10018
2015-05-23 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2015-05-23 update robots_txt_status www.hold.com: 404 => 200
2015-05-03 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2014-07-06 delete phone 1-646-745-2223
2014-07-06 insert address 525 Washington Ave, Suite 2450 Jersey City, NJ 07310
2014-07-06 insert phone 1-212-792-0900
2014-04-13 update robots_txt_status www.hold.com: 200 => 404
2013-05-13 update website_status FlippedRobotsTxt => OK
2013-05-13 delete address 120 Wall Street, New York, New York, 10005
2013-05-13 delete alias Hold Brothers On-Line Investment Services LLC
2013-05-13 delete email ca..@gusraekaplan.com
2013-05-13 delete phone 646-745-2125
2013-05-13 delete source_ip
2013-05-13 insert source_ip
2013-04-30 update website_status OK => FlippedRobotsTxt