Updated 19 days ago
2424 Last Rd WEST KELOWNA, BC V4T 1K7
Hero Security's success is client retention. Owned Harjit and Kamaljit Toora since 2006, they pride themselves on providing exceptional service, fast response times and being a locally owned-and-operated Okanagan company. Harjit is hands-on, making his company even more local and responsive...
Need reliable and professional security services? We've been providing trusted and expert security guards for homes, offices, retail, and events since 2006. We are proud to provide reliable, well-trained security guards anywhere in BC!...
From those two original clients 15 years ago, Hero Security has grown to have over 100 clients at any given time and 70 staff. Hero's service offerings have also grown. Hero Security's best-known clients include Kelowna Minor Hockey, the City of West Kelowna, Central Okanagan Regional District, and Greyback Construction and Norson Construction. Hero Security provides daily reports to ensure their clients' peace of mind.
Also known as: Hero Security Company Ltd., herosecurity