Job Titles:
- Principal in Hemingway Hacienda S.a.
Mr. Jose Goldner is a principal in Hemingway Hacienda S.A. Mr. Goldner has been in the real estate business for over a decade and cattle business for 9 years. Mr. Goldner was born in Panama, raised in Australia, and educated in the United States (Miami University, Oxford, Ohio). Mr. Goldner's comprehension of foreign jurisdiction climates and political lobbying in Latin America has led to seamless multi-million-dollar real estate transactions and business acquisitions in Central America.
From government concessions to private business acquisitions, his experience spans the spectrum of transactions in foreign countries. The cattle and agriculture sector is a heavily subsidized business in Panama providing investors with an array of fiscal benefits. Mr. Goldner is a partner in an investment bank Briggs Capital, based in Boston Mass.