Updated 16 days ago
- Age: 34 years
- ID: 6889575/154
523 Main Street Hartford, CT
Added Jordan, a U.S. Navy veteran who for decades was the heart, soul and face of the organization as it evolved and adapted to changing City administrations, downtown dynamics and economic challenges, "The Hartford Guides has been an instrumental part of what has made Downtown Hartford a special place for so many years. Often unseen but always there when a friendly, helping hand was needed, we have taken great pride over the years in our ability to evolve to changing community needs, dynamics and even city politics, always keeping our focus on the customer and fulfilling our responsibilities with professionalism and unparalleled expertise."... The concept of a Downtown Hartford street-level ambassador program first emerged in 1989. After experiencing highly visible Guides programs operating in several cities in the United States and Canada, members of the local business community concluded that such a program would benefit Hartford. A Hartford Guides Steering Group was formed, which..
Also known as: The Hartford Guides, The Hartford Guides, Inc.