GOTTA SING - Key Persons

Amparo Bellon-Champ

Amparo founded Gotta Sing in 2002. She is a graduate of Lisa Popeil's Voiceworks® Associate Program and has received Teacher Training certification in vocal pedagogy from Dr. Scott Martin. Amparo is a member of NATS (National Association of Teachers of Singing). Her expertise is teaching how to sing multiple styles of music. Her recent instructional voice lesson CDs, Gotta Sing - Learn to Sing Multiple Genres and Gotta Sing - Aprenda a Cantar Múltiples Géneros, teaches vocalists not only about the differences between singing multiple styles of music, but also thoroughly demonstrates how to accomplish each style. Amparo's experience in instant vocal improvement, song choice, audition/ performance preparation and vocal health maintenance, make her a resource for singers, actors, record producers, and public speakers alike. Her private students range in age from 8 - 65 and include beginners to performers in film, TV, musical theater, the recording world, and public speakers.

Dr. L. Scott Martin

Dr. L. Scott Martin aka Dr. Scott Dr. Scott, Ph.D from the Juilliard School in New York, has developed a voice teacher training certification program.