Updated 2 days ago
Academy for a Better World,Gyan Sarovar Road, Salgaon, Mt Abu Rajasthan 307501
The Future of Power is the theme of a series of dialogues taking place across India to deepen understanding of the nature of power and help restore awareness of the nation's spiritual heritage both within India and abroad. Can India, widely accepted as the home of the highest spiritual understanding, set a lead in renewing true benevolence in human affairs and show the way towards lasting solutions for current global problems?... We conduct both face to face and online dialogues. The format of each is different. During the face to face sessions, participants will be gently led and provoked by experienced facilitators to be both creative and controversial while collaborating with others during conversation. Short periods of silent reflection punctuating the dialogue process will establish a peaceful and creative space for individuals to converse, co-create and contribute to a developing vision of the evolution of power... To host dialogues for leaders online and in person. A call to..