Updated 26 days ago
ForexGridMaster is a powerful and intuitive tool to greatly enhance manual FOREX trading, especially for stealth-mode scalping and strategies triggered by News events... There is another aspect of Forex that most people, even most Forex traders are not aware of, that is very much in their favour. This is about the money circulating within the Spot Forex market, where it comes from and where it goes. Forex is regarded as a speculative market. Swaps, Forwards, Options and Futures are used for speculation and make up 60% of the total market. We don't trade in that side of the Forex market, we trade the Spot Forex market, a stand alone market separate from the rest of the Forex market. The spot market is mostly non-speculative, 70 to 90% of all spot transactions being done for non-profit making purposes. Speculators only account for 10% to 30% of the spot-market transactions. Therefore speculation is a minority activity and almost all of the trading is done by people and organizations who..