Updated 63 days ago
GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001 or GPO Box 2999 Canberra ACT 2601
Well, we're Kathy and Bruce Rogers. When it comes to loans, we're your FinancialPlus! We're a husband and wife team with heaps of experience and a great focus on our business of getting you a great loan...
Some might, but we sure don't! Of course, it would be far easier for us to just go to Commonwealth Bank or ANZ every time and hope for the best. But that's not how we operate; it's not who we are. We genuinely care about our clients and we share in their happiness when a great loan comes through to change their lives. It matters to us. We'll tell you why we have recommended the lender that we have...
If you'd like to chat to us about any loan and hear more about how we operate, call us on 07 5564 5903 or make an enquiry.