2024-10-02 delete person Ewa Pintera
2024-10-02 update person_title Charlotte Galbiati: Membership Experience Associate => Market Development Associate
2024-10-02 update person_title Filipa Lança de Morais: Program Intern / Membership Development; Program Intern => Program Intern
2024-10-02 update person_title Valentina Callegari: Project Finance Analyst => Project Financial Manager
2024-10-02 update person_title Valeria Balzarini: Membership Associate => Community & Member Associate
2024-08-29 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2024-08-29 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2024-08-29 insert person Marnix Mulder
2024-08-29 update person_title Clara Maspons: Associate; Knowledge Associate / Membership Development; Knowledge Associate => Associate; Knowledge Associate
2024-08-29 update person_title Filipa Lança de Morais: Program Intern => Program Intern / Membership Development; Program Intern
2024-07-24 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2024-07-24 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2024-07-24 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2024-07-24 insert person Åsa Skogström Feldt
2024-07-24 update person_title Stephanie Smialowski: Policy Advisor => Senior Policy Advisor
2024-06-19 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2024-06-19 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2024-06-19 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2024-06-19 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2024-06-19 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2024-06-19 update person_title Clara Maspons: Associate; Knowledge Associate => Associate; Knowledge Associate / Membership Development; Knowledge Associate
2024-06-19 update person_title Filipa Lança de Morais: Program Intern / Membership Development => Program Intern
2024-06-19 update person_title Stephanie Smialowski: Policy & EU Partnerships Associate => Policy Advisor
2024-04-04 delete source_ip
2024-04-04 insert source_ip
2024-04-04 update website_status IndexPageFetchError => OK
2022-11-30 update website_status Disallowed => IndexPageFetchError
2022-09-30 update website_status FlippedRobots => Disallowed
2022-08-06 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2022-07-06 delete person Ludovica Piergiovanni
2022-07-06 delete person Sparghay Said
2022-07-06 insert person Ben DeVries
2022-07-06 insert person Carlota Camposirisarri
2022-07-06 insert person Valeria Balzarini
2022-07-06 update person_description Alessia Gianoncelli => Alessia Gianoncelli
2022-04-06 insert otherexecutives Dragan Stojanovski
2022-04-06 update person_title Caroline Cornil: Creative Manager => Communication Design Manager
2022-04-06 update person_title Dragan Stojanovski: Head of Marketing and Communication => Head of Marketing and Communications
2022-04-06 update person_title Juliane Unger: Marketing and Communications Associate => Digital Communications Associate
2022-03-07 delete person Cătălina Papari
2022-03-07 delete person Lucia Badea
2022-03-07 delete person Tim Jacobs
2022-03-07 insert person Karolina Kolarova
2022-03-07 insert person Stéphanie Smialowski
2022-03-07 update person_description Ludovica Piergiovanni => Ludovica Piergiovanni
2022-03-07 update person_title Florian Tuder: Training Academy Coordinator => Training Expert & Coordinator
2022-03-07 update person_title Ludovica Piergiovanni: Research Analyst => Research Associate
2021-12-11 update person_description Anja Koenig => Anja Koenig
2021-12-11 update person_description Arnau Picón Martínez => Arnau Picón Martínez
2021-12-11 update person_description Leslie Johnston => Leslie Johnston
2021-12-11 update person_description Natasha Medvedeva => Natasha Medvedeva
2021-12-11 update person_title Anja Koenig: DACH Representative => Lead, System Change / Investing for Development / DACH Region
2021-09-17 update person_description Bianca Polidoro => Bianca Polidoro
2021-08-17 delete otherexecutives Jorgos Papadakis
2021-08-17 delete person Jorgos Papadakis
2021-06-11 delete person Martine Prim
2021-06-11 delete person Paul Bertrac
2021-06-11 insert person Andrea Resta
2021-06-11 insert person Sparghay Said
2021-06-11 update person_title Alessia Gianoncelli: Head of the Knowledge Centre; Head of Knowledge Centre => Head of Knowledge, Community and Market Development
2021-06-11 update person_title Arnau Picón Martínez: Research Analyst => Research Associate
2021-06-11 update person_title Bianca Polidoro: Senior Policy Manager => Senior Policy and EU Partnerships Manager
2021-06-11 update person_title Caroline Cornil: Creative Manager ( Currently on Maternity Leave ) => Creative Manager
2021-06-11 update person_title Cătălina Papari: Associate; Policy Associate => Policy and EU Partnerships Associate
2021-06-11 update person_title Dr. Markus Freiburg: Member of the Membership Committee; Founder & Managing Director, FASE => Founder & Managing Director, FASE, FASE; Member of the Membership Committee; Founder & Managing Director, FASE
2021-06-11 update person_title Juliane Unger: Marketing and Communications Intern => Marketing and Communications Associate
2021-06-11 update person_title Tim Jacobs: Policy Intern => Policy and EU Partnerships Intern
2021-04-17 insert person Ewa Pintera
2021-04-17 update person_description Alessia Gianoncelli => Alessia Gianoncelli
2021-02-23 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2021-02-23 insert email
2021-02-23 insert person Adriana Doménech Riera
2021-02-23 insert person Henrik Eduardo Barros
2021-02-23 insert person Sona Dilanyan
2021-02-23 insert person Tim Jacobs
2021-02-23 update person_description Sophie Faujour Le Bon => Sophie Faujour Le Bon
2021-02-23 update person_title Alessia Gianoncelli: Head of Knowledge Centre ( Currently on Maternity Leave ); Head of the Knowledge Centre => Head of the Knowledge Centre; Head of Knowledge Centre
2021-02-23 update person_title Lucia Badea: Community Analyst => Community Associate
2021-02-23 update person_title Ludovica Piergiovanni: Research Intern => Research Analyst
2021-02-23 update person_title Nicolas Malmendier: Corporate Initiative Analyst => Corporate Initiative Associate
2021-02-23 update person_title Sophie Faujour Le Bon: Head of Corporate Initiative Development & France Country Manager => null
2021-01-23 delete ceo Steven Serneels
2021-01-23 delete otherexecutives Fatma Sallabi
2021-01-23 delete otherexecutives Steven Serneels
2021-01-23 insert chairman Steven Serneels
2021-01-23 insert otherexecutives Dr. Markus Freiburg
2021-01-23 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2021-01-23 delete person Fatma Sallabi
2021-01-23 delete person Lonneke Roza
2021-01-23 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2021-01-23 insert person Dr. Markus Freiburg
2021-01-23 insert person Georgina Siklossy
2021-01-23 insert person Juliane Unger
2021-01-23 insert person Laura Burchardt
2021-01-23 insert person Martine Prim
2021-01-23 update person_description Bianca Polidoro => Bianca Polidoro
2021-01-23 update person_description Gianluca Gaggiotti => Gianluca Gaggiotti
2021-01-23 update person_description Karoline Heitmann => Karoline Heitmann
2021-01-23 update person_title Alessia Gianoncelli: Head of the Knowledge Centre; Head of Knowledge Centre => Head of Knowledge Centre ( Currently on Maternity Leave ); Head of the Knowledge Centre
2021-01-23 update person_title Bianca Polidoro: Policy Manager => Senior Policy Manager
2021-01-23 update person_title Caroline Cornil: Creative Manager => Creative Manager ( Currently on Maternity Leave )
2021-01-23 update person_title Chris West: Co - Founder and Director, Sumerian Foundation and Sumerian Partners => Chairman of the Membership Committee
2021-01-23 update person_title Gianluca Gaggiotti: Research Associate => Research Manager
2021-01-23 update person_title Karen Wilson: Founder of GV Partners; Founder GV Partners, GV Partners => Founder of GV Partners; Chairman of Succession and Nominations Committee
2021-01-23 update person_title Nicolas Malmendier: null => Corporate Initiative Analyst
2021-01-23 update person_title Steven Serneels: Investor and Member of the Investment Committee of SI; Member of the Board; CEO => Investor and Member of the Investment Committee of SI; Chairman; Chairman of EVPA 's Corporate Initiative
2020-09-19 insert ceo Roberta Bosurgi
2020-09-19 insert svp Christian Hänel
2020-09-19 delete person Agata Zaza
2020-09-19 delete person Christina Wu
2020-09-19 delete person Gail Rego
2020-09-19 delete person Jane Newman
2020-09-19 delete person Madeleine Clarke
2020-09-19 delete person Markus Lux
2020-09-19 delete person Tessa Van Autreve
2020-09-19 insert person Christian Hänel
2020-09-19 insert person María Ángeles
2020-09-19 insert person María Ángeles León López
2020-09-19 insert person Roberta Bosurgi
2020-09-19 insert person Saskia Bruysten
2020-09-19 update person_description Steven Serneels => Steven Serneels
2020-09-19 update person_title Leslie Johnston: Executive Director C & a Foundation, C & a Foundation; Executive Director C & a Foundation; C & a Foundation As Its First Executive Director => CEO of Laudes Foundation
2020-09-19 update person_title Lucia Badea: Community and Market Development Intern => Community Analyst
2020-09-19 update person_title Sophie Faujour Le Bon: Head of European Corporate Initiative and Manager of France and Portugal => Head of Corporate Initiative Development & France Country Manager
2020-05-01 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2020-05-01 insert person Cătălina Papari
2020-05-01 insert person Florian Tuder
2020-05-01 update person_description Alessia Gianoncelli => Alessia Gianoncelli
2020-05-01 update person_description Sophie Faujour Le Bon => Sophie Faujour Le Bon
2020-05-01 update person_title Sophie Faujour Le Bon: Head of Corporate Community Development and Country Representative - France and Portugal => Head of European Corporate Initiative and Manager of France and Portugal
2020-04-01 delete cfo Dirk de Boer
2020-04-01 delete otherexecutives Lena Vasilopoulou
2020-04-01 insert cfo Gunther Volkaert
2020-04-01 insert otherexecutives Fatma Sallabi
2020-04-01 delete person Asli Erdogan
2020-04-01 delete person Despoina Melissinou
2020-04-01 delete person Dirk de Boer
2020-04-01 delete person Ioana Traista
2020-04-01 delete person Jamy Goewie
2020-04-01 delete person Julie Desmet
2020-04-01 delete person Lara Donners
2020-04-01 delete person Lena Vasilopoulou
2020-04-01 delete phone +32 (0) 513 21 31
2020-04-01 delete source_ip
2020-04-01 insert email
2020-04-01 insert person Fatma Sallabi
2020-04-01 insert person Gail Rego
2020-04-01 insert person Gunther Volkaert
2020-04-01 insert person Lucia Badea
2020-04-01 insert person Ludovica Piergiovanni
2020-04-01 insert person Martijn Blom
2020-04-01 insert person Nicolas Malmendier
2020-04-01 insert person Peter Cafferkey
2020-04-01 insert phone +32 (0) 2 513 21 31
2020-04-01 insert source_ip
2020-04-01 update person_description Tessa Van Autreve => Tessa Van Autreve
2020-04-01 update person_title Agata Zaza: Office and Executive Assistant => Office Manager and PA
2020-04-01 update person_title Christina Wu: Community and Impact Measurement Manager => Head of Community
2020-04-01 update person_title Karoline Heitmann: Corporate Research Manager => Corporate Initiative Manager
2020-04-01 update person_title Natasha Medvedeva: Finance & Reporting Manager => Senior Manager Finance & Reporting
2020-04-01 update person_title Nicolas Lahaye: Community and Market Development Intern; Community and Market Development Intern, European Venture Philanthropy Association ( EVPA ) => Community Associate, European Venture Philanthropy Association ( EVPA ); Community Associate
2020-04-01 update person_title Paul Bertrac: null => Digital Marketing Manager
2020-04-01 update person_title Sara Seganti: Training Manager => Training Manager; Senior Manager - Training
2020-04-01 update person_title Sophie Faujour Le Bon: France Country Representative => Head of Corporate Community Development and Country Representative - France and Portugal
2020-04-01 update person_title Tessa Van Autreve: null => Policy Assistant
2019-11-02 insert founder Chris West
2019-11-02 insert otherexecutives Chris West
2019-11-02 delete alias European Venture Philantropy Association
2019-11-02 delete person Alice Millest
2019-11-02 delete person Priscilla Boiardi
2019-11-02 insert person Chris West
2019-11-02 insert person Despoina Melissinou
2019-11-02 insert person Markus Lux
2019-10-03 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2019-10-03 delete phone +32 (0)2 513 21 31
2019-10-03 insert phone +32 (0) 513 21 31
2019-10-03 update person_description Alessia Gianoncelli => Alessia Gianoncelli
2019-10-03 update person_description Karoline Heitmann => Karoline Heitmann
2019-10-03 update person_description Sophie Faujour Le Bon => Sophie Faujour Le Bon
2019-10-03 update person_title Alessia Gianoncelli: Research Manager => Head of Knowledge Centre
2019-10-03 update person_title Asli Erdogan: null => Marketing and Communications Intern; Marketing and Communications Intern, European Venture Philanthropy Association ( EVPA )
2019-10-03 update person_title Karoline Heitmann: Corporate Research Associate => Corporate Research Manager
2019-09-03 insert otherexecutives Jorgos Papadakis
2019-09-03 delete person Kateryna Stetska
2019-09-03 insert person Jorgos Papadakis
2019-09-03 insert person Nicolas Lahaye
2019-08-03 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2019-08-03 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2019-07-04 delete otherexecutives Tina Roshdi
2019-07-04 delete person Tina Roshdi
2019-07-04 insert person Anja Koenig
2019-07-04 insert person Asli Erdogan
2019-07-04 update person_title Arnau Picón Martínez: Research Intern => Research Analyst
2019-06-01 delete chiefstrategyofficer Patrice Schneider
2019-06-01 delete founder Karen Wilson
2019-06-01 delete otherexecutives Jane Newman
2019-06-01 delete otherexecutives Leslie Johnston
2019-06-01 delete otherexecutives Luis de Melo Jerónimo
2019-06-01 delete otherexecutives Xavier Thauron
2019-06-01 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-01 delete person Patrice Schneider
2019-06-01 insert person Paul Bertrac
2019-06-01 insert person Tessa Van Autreve
2019-06-01 update person_description Kateryna Stetska => Kateryna Stetska
2019-06-01 update person_title Dr. Filipe Santos: Professor and Chair in Social Entrepreneurship, Católica - Lisbon School of Business & Economics; Professor and Chair in Social Entrepreneurship, Católica - Lisbon School of Business & Economics, Católica - Lisbon School of Business & Economics => Dean Católica - Lisbon School of Business & Economics and EVPA Chair, Católica - Lisbon School of Business & Economics; Dean; Dean Católica - Lisbon School of Business & Economics and EVPA Chair
2019-06-01 update person_title Jane Newman: International Director of Social Finance UK; International Director => International Director Social Finance UK, Social Finance UK; International Director of Social Finance UK
2019-06-01 update person_title Karen Wilson: Founder of GV Partners; Founder => Founder of GV Partners; Founder GV Partners, GV Partners
2019-06-01 update person_title Kateryna Stetska: null => Training Assistant
2019-06-01 update person_title Leslie Johnston: Executive Director; Executive Director, C & a Foundation; C & a Foundation As Its First Executive Director => Executive Director C & a Foundation, C & a Foundation; Executive Director C & a Foundation; C & a Foundation As Its First Executive Director
2019-06-01 update person_title Luis de Melo Jerónimo: Deputy Director at the Gulbenkian Integration; Deputy Director, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation; Deputy Director => Deputy Director at the Gulbenkian Integration; Deputy Director Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Integration and Social Cohesion Programme, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation; Deputy Director Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Integration and Social Cohesion Programme
2019-06-01 update person_title Xavier Thauron: Director, Phi Trust; Director => Head of Social Investment of PhiTrust Partenaires; Head of Social Investment of PhiTrust Partenaires, Phi Trust
2019-05-02 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2019-05-02 delete person Dr. Martin Vogelsang
2019-05-02 delete person Ilaria Savoini
2019-05-02 insert person Agata Zaza
2019-05-02 insert person Lara Donners
2019-05-02 update person_description Alessia Gianoncelli => Alessia Gianoncelli
2019-04-02 delete person Damjan Raic
2019-04-02 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-02 insert person Bianca Polidoro
2019-02-19 insert otherexecutives Lena Vasilopoulou
2019-02-19 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2019-02-19 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2019-02-19 insert person Arnau Picón Martínez
2019-02-19 update person_title Julie Desmet: Community and Market Development Analyst => Community Officer
2019-02-19 update person_title Lena Vasilopoulou: Training Academy Officer => Training Officer
2019-01-18 insert person Damjan Raic
2019-01-18 insert person Kateryna Stetska
2019-01-18 update person_description Patrice Schneider => Patrice Schneider
2019-01-18 update person_description Steven Serneels => Steven Serneels
2018-12-09 delete ceo Bernard Uyttendaele
2018-12-09 delete person Bernard Uyttendaele
2018-12-09 delete person Matteo Mascolo
2018-12-09 delete person Veronica Garcia Navarro
2018-12-09 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2018-12-09 insert person Alice Millest
2018-12-09 update person_description Sophie Faujour Le Bon => Sophie Faujour Le Bon
2018-12-09 update person_title Gianluca Gaggiotti: Research Analyst => Research Associate
2018-12-09 update person_title Julie Desmet: Community and Market Development Intern => Community and Market Development Analyst
2018-12-09 update person_title Lonneke Roza: null => Expert Consultant - Corporate Initiative
2018-06-01 insert ceo Steven Serneels
2018-06-01 insert otherexecutives Luis de Melo Jerónimo
2018-06-01 delete person Massimo Lapucci
2018-06-01 insert person Ilaria Savoini
2018-06-01 insert person Lonneke Roza
2018-06-01 insert person Luis de Melo Jerónimo
2018-06-01 insert person Veronica Garcia Navarro
2018-06-01 update person_description Christina Wu => Christina Wu
2018-06-01 update person_description Matteo Mascolo => Matteo Mascolo
2018-06-01 update person_title Gianluca Gaggiotti: null => Research Analyst
2018-06-01 update person_title Lena Vasilopoulou: Training Academy Intern => Training Academy Officer
2018-06-01 update person_title Steven Serneels: Investor; Chairman of Kampani; Impact Investor => Chairman of Kampani; CEO
2018-04-08 delete person Carlos Juárez Pons
2018-04-08 delete person Javier Garrido Vaquero
2018-04-08 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2018-04-08 insert person Julie Desmet
2018-04-08 insert person Karoline Heitmann
2018-04-08 update person_description Jeremy Nicholls => Jeremy Nicholls
2018-04-08 update person_description Matteo Mascolo => Matteo Mascolo
2018-04-08 update person_description Pieter Oostlander => Pieter Oostlander
2018-04-08 update person_title Antonio Miguel: Managing Director of the Social Investment Lab; Managing Director, Social Investment Lab => Managing Director of the Maize - Decoding Impact; Managing Director, Maize - Decoding Impact
2018-04-08 update person_title Christina Wu: Community Manager => Community and Impact Measurement Manager
2018-04-08 update person_title Jeremy Nicholls: CEO, Social Value UK Social Value International; Chief Executive of Social Value International => CEO, Social Value UK Social Value International; Chief Executive of Social Value UK
2018-02-21 insert otherexecutives Tina Roshdi
2018-02-21 delete source_ip
2018-02-21 insert person Lena Vasilopoulou
2018-02-21 insert person Matteo Mascolo
2018-02-21 insert source_ip
2018-02-21 update person_description Anne Holm Rannaleet => Anne Holm Rannaleet
2018-02-21 update person_description Johann Heep => Johann Heep
2018-02-21 update person_description Priscilla Boiardi => Priscilla Boiardi
2018-02-21 update person_title Priscilla Boiardi: Knowledge Centre Director => Knowledge Centre and Policy Director
2018-02-21 update person_title Tina Roshdi: Office & Events Assistant => Project Officer
2018-01-10 delete coo Els Depoortere
2018-01-10 delete person Els Depoortere
2018-01-10 insert person Aymori Duncan
2018-01-10 insert person Carlos Juárez Pons
2018-01-10 insert person Jamy Goewie
2018-01-10 update person_description Caroline Cornil => Caroline Cornil
2018-01-10 update person_description Dario Vins => Dario Vins
2018-01-10 update person_title Caroline Cornil: Dissemination Manager => Creative Manager
2018-01-10 update person_title Dario Vins: Expert and Social Entrepreneurship Advisor => Impact Fund Management / Social Entepreneurship Advisor, Mozaik Foundation; Investment Manager
2017-12-13 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2017-12-13 delete person Margherita Winter
2017-12-13 delete person Valeria Balzarini
2017-12-13 insert person Gianluca Gaggiotti
2017-12-13 update person_description Dr. Martin Vogelsang => Dr. Martin Vogelsang
2017-12-13 update person_description Felix Oldenburg => Felix Oldenburg
2017-12-13 update person_title Lars Jannick Johansen: Founder & CEO, Den Sociale Kapitalfond; Founder of Den Sociale Kapitalfond Together With TrygFonden => Managing Partner, Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest; Founder of Den Sociale Kapitalfond Together With TrygFonden
2017-11-06 delete founder Jos Verhoeven
2017-11-06 insert otherexecutives Hedda Pahlson-Moller
2017-11-06 delete person Sandra Naigeon de Boer
2017-11-06 insert casestudy_pages_linkeddomain
2017-11-06 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2017-11-06 update person_description Alina Serban => Alina Serban
2017-11-06 update person_description Anna-Marie Harling => Anna-Marie Harling
2017-11-06 update person_description Hedda Pahlson-Moller => Hedda Pahlson-Moller
2017-11-06 update person_description Jochen Herdrich => Jochen Herdrich
2017-11-06 update person_description Sara Seganti => Sara Seganti
2017-11-06 update person_description Steven Serneels => Steven Serneels
2017-11-06 update person_description Sylvain Franc de Ferrière => Sylvain Franc de Ferrière
2017-11-06 update person_description Vincent Fauvet => Vincent Fauvet
2017-11-06 update person_title Hedda Pahlson-Moller: Lead Investor and Board Member of the Rising Tide; Managing Director, Omsint / Tiime => Member of the Board; Founder, Omsint / Tiime; Adjunct Professor; Founder of TIIME.Org
2017-11-06 update person_title Jochen Herdrich: Partner; Partner, BonVenture => Partner at the BonVenture Group; Partner; Partner, BonVenture
2017-11-06 update person_title Jos Verhoeven: Managing Director, Start Foundation; Co - Founder; Managing Director => Managing Director and Co - Founder, Start Foundation; Managing Director
2017-11-06 update person_title Steven Serneels: Member of the Executive Board; Executive Board Member, SI2 Fund; Visiting Professor at Hult International Business School => Investor; Chairman of Kampani; Impact Investor
2017-11-06 update person_title Suzanne Biegel: Founder of Catalyst at Large; Founder, Catalyst at Large and Senior Gender Lens Investing Adviser, Wharton Social Impact at Wharton Business School => Founder of Catalyst at Large
2017-10-03 delete otherexecutives Daniel Rostrup
2017-10-03 delete address Storgata 28A, 0184 Oslo, Norway
2017-10-03 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2017-10-03 delete person Lejla Dizdarevic
2017-10-03 delete person Suzanna Sobolewska
2017-10-03 insert address Øvre Slottsgate 3, 0157 Oslo, Norway
2017-10-03 update person_description Daniel Rostrup => Daniel Rostrup
2017-10-03 update person_description Dr. Markus Freiburg => Dr. Markus Freiburg
2017-10-03 update person_title Daniel Rostrup: Business Development Director => Head of Corporate VP and Local Representative UK, EVPA, EVPA; Head of Corporate VP and Local Representative UK
2017-10-03 update person_title Jochen Herdrich: Partner, BonVenture Management GmbH => Partner; Partner, BonVenture
2017-10-03 update person_title Patrice Schneider: Journalist Reporting from Conflicts in Central Asia; Chief Strategy Officer, MDIF; Chief Strategy Officer => Chief Strategy Officer, Media Development Investment Fund ( MDIF ); Journalist Reporting from Conflicts in Central Asia; Chief Strategy Officer
2017-07-21 delete ceo Markus Hipp
2017-07-21 delete otherexecutives Xavier Thauron
2017-07-21 delete person Markus Hipp
2017-07-21 delete source_ip
2017-07-21 insert about_pages_linkeddomain
2017-07-21 insert email
2017-07-21 insert source_ip
2017-07-21 update person_title Camilla Backström: Independent Advisor => Independent Advisor; Independent Advisor, Fryshuset
2017-07-21 update person_title Katinka Greve Leiner: Director of Ferd Social Entrepreneurs, Ferd Social Entrepreneurs; Director of Ferd Social Entrepreneurs => Director of Ferd Social Entrepreneurs
2017-07-21 update person_title Pieter Oostlander: Founder => Partner, Shaerpa; Founder
2017-07-21 update person_title Xavier Thauron: Director, PhiTrust; Director => Director, Phi Trust
2017-06-14 delete person Simon Ott
2017-06-14 insert person Javier Garrido Vaquero
2017-06-14 update person_title Sandra Naigeon de Boer: Founder and Director of Be - Committed; Corporate Social Investment Manager => Corporate Initiative Manager; Corporate Social Investment Manager; Founder and Director of Be - Committed
2017-05-03 delete founder Karen E. Wilson
2017-05-03 delete otherexecutives Anne Holm Rannaleet
2017-05-03 insert ceo Federico Mento
2017-05-03 insert founder Alissa Pelatan
2017-05-03 delete associated_investor IK Investment Partners
2017-05-03 delete person Anne Contreras
2017-05-03 delete person Anne Holm Rannaleet
2017-05-03 delete person Bogdan Selaru
2017-05-03 delete person Jake Benford
2017-05-03 delete person Karen E. Wilson
2017-05-03 insert person Alissa Pelatan
2017-05-03 insert person Camilla Backström
2017-05-03 insert person Federico Mento
2017-05-03 insert person Ioana Traista
2017-05-03 insert person Jochen Herdrich
2017-05-03 insert person Lejla Dizdarevic
2017-05-03 insert person Sandra Naigeon de Boer
2017-05-03 insert person Sara Seganti
2017-05-03 insert person Suzanna Sobolewska
2017-05-03 insert person Tina Roshdi
2017-05-03 insert person Yuriy Vulkovsky
2017-05-03 update person_title Valeria Balzarini: Community and Market Development Intern => Community and Market Development Analyst
2017-02-16 insert otherexecutives Anne Holm Rannaleet
2017-02-16 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2017-02-16 update person_title Anne Holm Rannaleet: Trustee and Executive Director, IKARE Ltd - EVPA Board Member; Trustee and Executive Director of IK Aid => Trustee; Executive Director; Trustee and Executive Director, IKARE Ltd; Trustee and Executive Director of IK Aid
2017-01-19 delete president Filipe Santos
2017-01-19 delete person Linde Wolters
2017-01-19 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2017-01-19 update person_description Alessia Gianoncelli => Alessia Gianoncelli
2017-01-19 update person_title Alessia Gianoncelli: Research Associate => Research Manager
2017-01-19 update person_title Filipe Santos: President, Portugal Inovação Social; Professor; President of "Portugal Inovação Social; President; Member of Policy / Policy Committee => Professor and Chair in Social Entrepreneurship at Católica - Lisbon School of Business & Economics
2016-11-24 insert cfo Dirk de Boer
2016-11-24 insert president Filipe Santos
2016-11-24 delete person Claudia Tromboni
2016-11-24 insert person Dirk de Boer
2016-11-24 insert person Katinka Greve Leiner
2016-11-24 insert person Valeria Balzarini
2016-11-24 update person_title Filipe Santos: Professor; President of "Portugal Inovação Social; Professor, Catolica Lisbon and INSEAD => President, Portugal Inovação Social; Professor; President of "Portugal Inovação Social; President; Member of Policy / Policy Committee
2016-10-27 delete source_ip
2016-10-27 insert source_ip
2016-09-01 insert person Alessia Gianoncelli
2016-09-01 insert person Valeriia Proskuriakova
2016-08-04 delete person Elena Vittone
2016-08-04 insert person Margherita Winter
2016-08-04 update person_title Bogdan Selaru: Communications Intern => Communications Analyst
2016-08-04 update person_title Simon Ott: Policy Intern => Policy Analyst
2016-06-27 delete ceo Kurt Peleman
2016-06-27 delete otherexecutives Anne Holm
2016-06-27 delete otherexecutives Anne Rannaleet
2016-06-27 delete otherexecutives Hedda Pahlson-Moller
2016-06-27 delete otherexecutives Olivier de Guerre
2016-06-27 delete associated_investor IK Investment Partners
2016-06-27 delete person Anne Holm
2016-06-27 delete person Anne Rannaleet
2016-06-27 delete person Hedda Pahlson-Moller
2016-06-27 delete person Kurt Peleman
2016-06-27 delete person Miriam Abdullahi
2016-06-27 delete person Olivier de Guerre
2016-06-27 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2016-06-27 insert person Caroline Cornil
2016-06-27 insert person Christina Wu
2016-06-27 insert person Sophie Faujour Le Bon
2016-06-27 update person_title Bogdan Selaru: Communications and Operations Intern => Communications Intern
2016-06-27 update person_title Elena Balestra: Community Manager => Training Manager
2016-06-27 update person_title Natasha Medvedeva: Office Manager => Finance & Reporting Manager
2016-06-27 update person_title Xavier Thauron: Member of the Board of Directors; Board Elect => Member of the Board of Directors
2016-04-20 delete person Dr. Lisa Hehenberger
2016-04-20 update person_title Claudia Tromboni: Community & Market Intern => Community Analyst
2016-04-20 update person_title Elena Vittone: Research Intern => Research Analyst
2016-04-20 update person_title Priscilla Boiardi: Research Manager => Knowledge Centre Director
2016-03-08 insert otherexecutives Xavier Thauron
2016-03-08 delete person Candela Farroni
2016-03-08 delete source_ip
2016-03-08 insert person Bogdan Selaru
2016-03-08 insert person Dr. Martin Vogelsang
2016-03-08 insert person Xavier Thauron
2016-03-08 insert source_ip
2016-02-09 insert otherexecutives Daniel Rostrup
2016-02-09 insert otherexecutives Filipe Santos
2016-02-09 insert otherexecutives Steven Serneels
2016-02-09 delete person Alessia Gianoncelli
2016-02-09 insert person Daniel Rostrup
2016-02-09 insert person Filipe Santos
2016-02-09 insert person Simon Ott
2016-02-09 insert person Steven Serneels
2016-02-09 update person_title Elena Vittone: Research & Policy Intern => Research Intern
2016-01-11 delete source_ip
2016-01-11 insert source_ip
2015-11-08 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2015-11-08 delete source_ip
2015-11-08 insert source_ip
2015-10-11 delete person Christine Castille
2015-10-11 delete person Federica Saccia
2015-10-11 delete person Polina Starchenko
2015-10-11 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2015-10-11 insert person Claudia Tromboni
2015-09-12 insert person Alessia Gianoncelli
2015-09-12 insert person Candela Farroni
2015-09-12 insert person Polina Starchenko
2015-09-12 update person_title Elena Vittone: Research & Policy Trainee => Research & Policy Intern
2015-08-14 delete fax +32 (0) 2.534.24.77
2015-08-14 delete person Alessia Gianoncelli
2015-08-14 delete person Ivelina Ivanova
2015-08-14 insert person Elena Vittone
2015-05-14 delete person Andrew Muirhead
2015-05-14 update person_title Caroline Mason: Chief Executive at the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation; Member Elect => Chief Executive at the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
2015-05-14 update person_title Jane Newman: International Director of Social Finance UK; Member Elect => International Director of Social Finance UK
2015-05-14 update person_title Madeleine Clarke: Member Elect; Founding Director of Genio => Founding Director of Genio
2015-05-14 update person_title Massimo Lapucci: Member Elect; Secretary General of the Fondazione => Secretary General of the Fondazione
2015-04-14 delete otherexecutives Kurt Peleman
2015-04-14 delete associated_investor NESTA
2015-04-14 update person_description Ivelina Ivanova => Ivelina Ivanova
2015-04-14 update person_title Kurt Peleman: New CEO; CEO; Member of the Conference Committee => New CEO; Chief Executive
2015-03-17 insert associated_investor NESTA
2015-03-17 insert person Ivelina Ivanova
2015-03-17 insert person Miriam Abdullahi
2015-03-17 update person_title Christine Castille: Community and Communication Director => Membership Services Manager
2015-03-17 update person_title Federica Saccia: Southern Europe ( SE ) Manager => Market Development Manager
2015-02-11 insert otherexecutives Massimo Lapucci
2015-02-11 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2015-02-11 delete email
2015-02-11 delete email
2015-02-11 delete email
2015-02-11 delete email
2015-02-11 delete email
2015-02-11 delete email
2015-02-11 delete email
2015-02-11 delete email
2015-02-11 delete email
2015-02-11 delete email
2015-02-11 delete email
2015-02-11 delete email
2015-02-11 delete email
2015-02-11 delete email
2015-02-11 delete email
2015-02-11 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2015-02-11 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2015-02-11 delete person Cristina Umani
2015-02-11 delete person Miriam Abdullahi
2015-02-11 delete person Nino Aveni
2015-02-11 insert person Massimo Lapucci
2015-01-12 update person_title Alessia Gianoncelli: Knowledge Centre Intern => Research and Policy Analyst
2014-12-15 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2014-12-15 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2014-12-15 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2014-11-16 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2014-11-16 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2014-11-16 delete casestudy_pages_linkeddomain
2014-11-16 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2014-11-16 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2014-11-16 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2014-10-19 delete chairman Serge Raicher
2014-10-19 insert otherexecutives Caroline Mason
2014-10-19 insert otherexecutives Jane Newman
2014-10-19 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2014-10-19 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2014-10-19 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2014-10-19 insert person Caroline Mason
2014-10-19 insert person Jane Newman
2014-10-19 update person_description Elinor de Pret => Elinor de Pret
2014-10-19 update person_description Serge Raicher => Serge Raicher
2014-10-19 update person_title Serge Raicher: Chairman => null
2014-09-10 insert otherexecutives Madeleine Clarke
2014-09-10 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2014-09-10 delete source_ip
2014-09-10 insert email
2014-09-10 insert person Madeleine Clarke
2014-09-10 insert person Nino Aveni
2014-09-10 insert source_ip
2014-08-03 delete otherexecutives Seán Coughlan
2014-08-03 delete person Seán Coughlan
2014-08-03 insert about_pages_linkeddomain
2014-08-03 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2014-08-03 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2014-08-03 insert casestudy_pages_linkeddomain
2014-08-03 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2014-08-03 insert email
2014-08-03 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2014-08-03 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2014-08-03 insert person Alessia Gianoncelli
2014-08-03 update person_title Natasha Medvedeva: Community Intern => Office Manager
2014-07-02 delete otherexecutives John Kingston
2014-07-02 insert otherexecutives Hedda Pahlson-Moller
2014-07-02 insert otherexecutives Patrice Schneider
2014-07-02 delete email
2014-07-02 delete person Carine Valette
2014-07-02 delete person John Kingston
2014-07-02 insert email
2014-07-02 insert email
2014-07-02 insert person Ewa Konczal
2014-07-02 insert person Federica Saccia
2014-07-02 insert person Hedda Pahlson-Moller
2014-07-02 insert person Patrice Schneider
2014-07-02 update person_description Dr. Lisa Hehenberger => Dr. Lisa Hehenberger
2014-05-23 delete address 10th EVPA Annual Conference, Berlin, Germany
2014-05-23 insert email
2014-05-23 insert email
2014-05-23 insert person Linde Wolters
2014-05-23 insert person Miriam Abdullahi
2014-05-23 update person_description Priscilla Boiardi => Priscilla Boiardi
2014-04-16 insert coo Els Depoortere
2014-04-16 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2014-04-16 delete career_pages_linkeddomain
2014-04-16 delete email
2014-04-16 delete person Caroline Cornil
2014-04-16 insert address 10th EVPA Annual Conference, Berlin, Germany
2014-04-16 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2014-04-16 insert email
2014-04-16 insert email
2014-04-16 insert email
2014-04-16 insert email
2014-04-16 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2014-04-16 insert person Carine Valette
2014-04-16 insert person Elinor de Pret
2014-04-16 insert person Natasha Medvedeva
2014-04-16 insert person Priscilla Boiardi
2014-04-16 update person_title Christine Castille: Membership Services Director => Community and Communication Director
2014-04-16 update person_title Cristina Umani: Market Development Coordinator; Market Development Manager => Market Development Coordinator; Market Development Director
2014-04-16 update person_title Dr. Lisa Hehenberger: Member of the European Commission 's Expert Group; Research Director => Research and Policy Director; Member of the European Commission 's Expert Group; Research Director
2014-04-16 update person_title Elena Balestra: Communications and Events Coordinator => Community Manager
2014-04-16 update person_title Els Depoortere: Office Manager => Operations Director
2014-03-11 delete email
2014-03-11 delete person Anna-Marie Harling
2014-03-11 insert email
2014-02-04 delete email
2014-02-04 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2014-02-04 delete person Kathy Vervaet
2014-02-04 update person_description Lisa Hehenberger => Dr. Lisa Hehenberger
2014-01-07 delete cfo Olivier Brissaud
2014-01-07 delete address 78, Avenue de la Toison d'Or 1060 Brussels, Belgium
2014-01-07 delete email
2014-01-07 delete person Julia Meuter
2014-01-07 delete person Olivier Brissaud
2014-01-07 insert address Rue Royale 94 1000 Brussels, Belgium
2014-01-07 insert email
2014-01-07 insert person Elena Balestra
2014-01-07 update primary_contact 78 Avenue de la Toison d'Or 1060 Brussels, Belgium => Rue Royale 94 1000 Brussels, Belgium
2013-12-10 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2013-11-11 delete email
2013-11-11 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2013-11-11 delete person Claudio Micco
2013-11-11 insert email
2013-11-11 insert person Caroline Cornil
2013-11-11 update person_description Seán Coughlan => Seán Coughlan
2013-11-11 update person_title Cristina Umani: Market Development Coordinator => Market Development Coordinator; Market Development Manager
2013-10-14 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2013-07-12 update website_status FlippedRobotsTxt => OK
2013-07-12 delete chairman Serge Raicher
2013-07-12 delete otherexecutives Deirdre Mortell
2013-07-12 delete otherexecutives Javier Echarri
2013-07-12 delete otherexecutives Pieter Oostlander
2013-07-12 insert chairman Pieter Oostlander
2013-07-12 insert otherexecutives Katinka Greve Leiner
2013-07-12 delete email
2013-07-12 delete person Deirdre Mortell
2013-07-12 delete person Elena Balestra
2013-07-12 delete person Javier Echarri
2013-07-12 delete person Serge Raicher
2013-07-12 insert email
2013-07-12 insert email
2013-07-12 insert person Claudio Micco
2013-07-12 insert person Cristina Umani
2013-07-12 insert person Els Depoortere
2013-07-12 insert person Katinka Greve Leiner
2013-07-12 update person_description John Kingston => John Kingston
2013-07-12 update person_description Pieter Oostlander => Pieter Oostlander
2013-07-12 update person_title Pieter Oostlander: Managing Partner of Shærpa; Member of the Board of Directors => Chairman of the Board of Directors; Founding Partner of Shærpa
2013-06-05 update website_status OK => FlippedRobotsTxt
2013-05-15 insert cfo Olivier Brissaud
2013-05-15 insert email
2013-05-15 insert person Christine Castille
2013-05-15 insert person Olivier Brissaud
2013-05-15 update person_title Julia Meuter: Membership Services Coordinator => Communications & Events Coordinator
2013-04-09 delete coo Mineke de Theije
2013-04-09 delete email
2013-04-09 delete investor The Private Equity Foundation
2013-04-09 delete person Mineke de Theije
2013-03-01 insert investor The Private Equity Foundation