Updated 4 days ago
240 Greenwich St., New York, NY 10286
Dreyfus provides institutional investors and intermediaries with a variety of domestic and offshore money funds and short duration separate account strategies. Dreyfus is a division of Mellon Investments Corporation (MIC), a registered investment adviser and subsidiary of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (BNY). Securities are offered by BNY Mellon Securities Corporation (BNYSC), a registered broker-dealer and affiliate of MIC. Certain offshore products are not available to US investors and are distributed by BNY entities licensed in the relevant jurisdictions... Dreyfus is one of the largest and trusted liquidity managers in the industry. Dreyfus offers innovative liquidity solutions designed to help our clients align expected cash needs and time horizons with investment objectives. Our transparent, disciplined investment process is multi-layered and leverages the deep knowledge of our investment professionals. Our experienced investment team strives to deliver differentiated..
Also known as: Mellon Investments Corporation