DIGIXL - Key Persons

Anish Tripathi

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Executive Team
  • CEO & Founder, DigiXL USA
Anish has extensive experience working in the IT industry in India as well as abroad. Prior to founding digiXL, Anish pioneered web application development solutions at Everse Inc. Los Angeles, CA. He has experience working on IT projects for Fortune 1000 clients such as Baskin Robins, Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison, Conexant and others. He holds a Masters of Science degree from University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA. Having both design and technical education, he is able to apply skill sets from both fields to create solutions which not only are technically sound but also based on the best of user experience design principles.

Jeff Siegel

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Executive Team
  • Sales and Project Management
Based in New Jersey, Jeff Siegel provides US-based sales and project management for the company. Jeff Siegel brings a unique mix of executive and entrepreneurial experience in managing software development, designing interactive media, business development, and publishing. With over 25 years in the interactive media space, he's worked at large publishers including Scholastic and Viacom/Simon & Schuster Interactive, small independent game studios and has founded and runs JeffMedia Solutions. Jeff has experience working with consumer entertainment, child and lifelong education, training games for Fortune 500 companies, and games for marketing and advertising.

Rajan Malhotra

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Executive Team
  • Managing Director & Founder, DigiXL India
Rajan comes with over 15 years of experience in software development and project management with clients across the world. As an Engineer and Management post graduate, his previous assignments include General Manager of Cyber Multimedia India Ltd., Rediff US edition and Trident India. He provides leadership on the project management aspects and leads the company's interactions with customers and business partners. He loves juggling time between gadgets and family and is based out of New Delhi, India.