Anna Betz

Some of the most inspiring moments in my life happen when I can watch people and organizations discover their true potential, their gift to each other and to the world. I enjoy those moments so much that I put facilitating them in the heart of my professional work.

Dr. Aftab Omer

Job Titles:
  • Founder and President of Meridian University
Dr. Aftab Omer is the founder and president of Meridian University in Petaluma, California. He received his Bachelor's from M.I.T. and his Doctorate from Brandeis University. Formerly a faculty member in both the Psychology and Sociology departments at Sonoma State University, he is currently the President of the Council for Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychologies. Aftab's research has focused on the emergence of human capacities within transformative learning communities and his work includes assisting organizations in tapping the creative potentials of conflict, diversity, and complexity. His published articles include The Spacious Center: Leadership and the Creative Transformation of Culture and Between Columbine and the Twin Towers: Fundamentalist Culture as a Failure of Imagination.

George Pór

I'd like to hear from you and if that desire is mutual, drop me a line at

Jack Park

I used to design and code an artificial intelligence program called The Scholar's Companion as a means to achieved an apparent IQ far greater than mine or the computer's alone. Then, Douglas Engelbart convinced me that it's not about "me," it's about "we;" at that point in time, the program went open source and the entire fabric of my activity began to orbit around Engelbart's co-evolution of "human and tool systems" paradigm, which I have been calling "knowledge gardening" since 2007. Earlier, I began my journey into artificial intelligence when farmers, who were using microprocessor-based weather stations I originally built for wind energy monitoring, asked how else the data could be used; they were interested in fruit frost, irrigation, pest control and other aspects of the local climate. I began crafting AI programs for data analysis and prediction. I also I worked at SRI International on the DARPA project CALO, a "semantic desktop" application for organizing information flows in office settings.

Jane Pightling

Hello I'm Jane Pightling. I am based in the UK and have spent much of my career working in public services, the civil service, youth service, probation service, social services and the NHS. My career has been about supporting people to adjust to life's changes and challenges, to step up and take control, discover their own meaning and align their talents and values to do their best work. People describe me as a weaver. I have an ability to tap into the deep potential and generativity of connections and realise results by building relationships across boundaries and differences.

Máté Szücs

Job Titles:
  • Advisor
  • Consultant
Máté Szücs is an international advisor, consultant and change catalyst for next stage organizational design and capabilities, business model innovation, modern workplace and technology adoption. He is helping leaders, teams, organizations and ecosystems to evolve and become fit for the 21 st century with the latest digital and social technologies, organizational and leadership strategies. By doing so he works on increasing productivity, learning, innovation, employee engagement, customer satisfaction and related revenue and impact. He has successfully (re)designed and implemented strategy, organizational, governance and training concepts, processes and change initiatives internationally. His consulting experience ranges across various industries, from start-ups to large enterprises, social entrepreneurs, NGOs as well as educational and government institutions across 20+ countries. He is also a regular speaker, trainer and workshop facilitator. Prior to this he gained also 15 years experience in the tech industry with leading companies such as Siemens and Microsoft. He has been responsible for strategic marketing, product marketing and leading the business planning and operations internationally. His unique approach is characterized by impact focus, passion for customer value realization and success coaching, delivered through co-creative methodologies and modular engagements.