Updated 23 days ago
6400 Carolina Beach Rd., Unit 8 Wilmington, NC 28412
Carter Calibrations is designed to be a customer friendly company because we come to you. We understand that it is difficult and sometimes impossible to be without your laboratory equipment. Therefore, we will conduct in-house repairs and calibrations with guaranteed reliable service. In the event of a pipette or thermometer needs a little extra care and attention, Carter Calibrations will provide your company with loaners at no additional charge (on a limited basis)... Carter Calibrations is a company that can take care of all your laboratory needs. We service Pipetman, Eppendorf, Oxford, Ulster V3, Labsystems, Finnpipette, Titerek, MLA, Drummond Pipet-Aid, Omano, Unitron, Accu-Scope, Nikon, Olympus, and many more... Let Carter Calibrations put your lab at ease... Welcome to Carter Calibrations. A company that can take care of all your laboratory needs. We service companies all over the world. Our goal is to serve you in a professional and prompt manner. All employees have been..