Updated 1 day ago
2000 Levy Avenue Tallahassee, FL 32310
The Navy's 5 MW high temperature superconducting propulsion motor prototype CAPS is dedicated to creating the focus and resources needed to develop and implement an overall Systems Driven Strategy focused on the high level system issues of power distribution, system control, performance and component needs of tightly coupled power systems typical of advanced transportation power systems... By concentrating on broad industry objectives, CAPS provides the mechanism for government and industry to capitalize on a joint infrastructure to produce advanced power systems and components... With support from the U.S. Navy, Office of Naval Research (ONR) and the U.S. Department of Energy, CAPS has established a unique test and demonstration facility with one of the largest real-time digital power systems simulators along with 5 MW AC and DC test beds for hardware in the loop simulation. The center is supported by a research team comprised of dedicated and highly skilled researchers, scientists,..
Also known as: Center for Advanced Power Systems