Updated 63 days ago
- Age: 110 years
- ID: 5701108/119
1193 Richvale Highway, Richvale, CA, 95974
BUCRA was founded in 1914 by 30 farmers who felt the need to have combined representation in marketing their rice. Since that humble beginning over a century ago, BUCRA has grown into a company of more than 400 growers, multiple lines of business including Seed, Supplies, Drying/Storage, and Marketing...
BUCRA is committed to sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship. We continue to work with industry leaders to show the benefits of our rice farming practices and business operations to the public. As documented by the California Rice Commission, over 235 species of wildlife are sustained by California Rice Growers. In addition, BUCRA itself led the industry in building the first solar-powered rice drying facility in the world in 2004, and has continued improving with each passing year.