Bryan Gossel

Job Titles:
  • Owner / Bossman
Bryan has been lucky enough to call Fort Collins, Colorado his home since the fifth grade when his family relocated here from Wisconsin. Faith, family and racing pretty much sums up Bryan's life. He credits his strong faith as the reason that he is a devoted husband to his lovely wife of 15 years and father to two beautiful children. And even as a kid Bryan always knew that he wanted to be involved with cars, race cars, and more specifically, sprint race cars. When he isn't working at the shop or racing sprint cars he enjoys working out, watching movies and hanging out with his friends and family. Bryan also believes that he can never stop improving himself and his business so he is a leader with the ATI (Automotive Training Group) which keeps him at the top of his game when it comes to running a successful business for not only himself but the people that he employs and his valued customers. He also believes that his faith has a tremendous amount to do with his business success, so he actively participates in the Fort Collins CBMC (Connecting Business Men to Christ). Philosophy on Life: "Heck ya!" If you are around Bryan, or the shop, enough you will hear that phrase again and again and you quickly learn that he believes that any obstacle can be overcome with enough dedication, hard work, faith and a "Heck ya!" attitude.