Updated 28 days ago
207 Michigan, Petoskey, Michigan 49770, a company owned and operated by Research North, Inc. (RNI), a Michigan based licensed Private Detective Agency, offers high quality, nationwide background checks and pre-employment screenings to businesses as well as to those unemployed persons wanting to showcase their backgrounds. There are many reasons to conduct background checks and pre-employment screenings for your Michigan and Wisconsin based businesses. It is much less expensive to do a background check and hire and train a qualified person with good character and good work traits than it is to hire someone you don't know and have to let that person go because of character flaws relating to substance abuse, theft, poor work, financial problems, dysfunctional social behavior and more. Your success in business depends on hiring and employing qualified, honest employees. is based in Michigan, and its staff can help you with the process of vetting employees using our uniquely..