Updated 22 days ago
3434 Edwards Mill Road., Suite 112-325, Raleigh, NC 276120
The American Society for Precision Engineering (ASPE) strives to advance the arts, sciences, and technology of precision engineering - a discipline that encompasses the design, development, and manufacturing of and for high-accuracy components, instruments, and machines. ASPE provides a mechanism to disseminate ideas and best practices through our conferences, membership groups, peered-reviewed journal, and website... The precision engineering toolbox includes design methodology, uncertainty analysis (error budgeting), metrology, calibration/error compensation, precision controls and actuators/sensors. ASPE's enabling technologies include but are not limited to the following industries: microelectronics, automotive, optics and photonics, MEMS, nanotechnology, defense and machine tools. ASPE focuses on many areas of interest that are important in the research, design, development, manufacture and measurement of high accuracy components and systems. These areas are as follows: Controls,..
Also known as: American Society for Precision Engineering