Updated 5 days ago
- Age: 42 years
- ID: 5396659/154
PO Box 484 Tennent, NJ 07763-9800
ART-COM, Inc. is committed to fully understand the requirements of its clients and to provide quality consulting services to meet those requirements. Our experiences with industries (aerospace, chemical, computer) and academia include providing product support in scientific, computing, manufacturing and R&D applications, training, and evaluation assistance for project management of scope, schedule, and budget...
ART-COM, Inc. (ACI) formed in 1983 with its corporate office located in the greater New York area. We provide unique scientific, technical, computing and aerospace consulting. Our company has more than 40 years of consulting experience and is significantly qualified in several disciplines...
ART-COM, Inc. provides unique scientific, technical, computing and aerospace consulting at competitive rates.
Also known as: ART-COM, Inc
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