Updated 20 days ago
- Age: 51 years
- ID: 5262977/154
All Breed Dog Training is the best and the most effective dog training available. Your dog is trained in your home (or place of business) with you and your family. Our effective techniques developed through more than 30 years of experience help you teach your dog to understand how he should behave in normal, day-to-day situations that occur in your particular environment. Your pet benefits most from training when he can stay at home, in his family environment, where he is loved and cared for best and where he receives the most individual attention... Although we prefer to train your dog in your home or place of business with your participation, we understand this is not always an option for certain owners. In such circumstances, we will keep your dog and train him, and you can be assured your pet is receiving the best of care. We nurture your dog in our home and treat him as if he is our family pet. We do our best to train him in much the same way we would at your home. Your dog is..