Updated 11 days ago
P.O. Box 4045 Douala, Cameroon
ALC Douala has a library that provides good research services to students from secondary, post secondary, and university levels. This is all the more valuable as a good library with English books is a rarity in the city of Douala. ALC Douala is located on Rue Franqueville below "La Procure des Missions" and AXA Insurance Company in Akwa Douala. It's location in the heart of the commercial district of Douala makes access easy to everyone...
In addition, ALC is a certified test center for the TOEFL iBT, GRE iBT, SAT, TOIEC, TFI, and Project Management Institute exams...
Upon popular demand, ALC Douala has opened a translation unit manned by competent, certified, and sworn translators. We also offer professional training courses in companies. We design and give short courses and seminars on time management, stress management, principled leadership, team work, etc.