Updated 12 days ago
- Age: 58 years
- ID: 5219016/154
GPO Box 1243, Canberra ACT 2601
The AIDF provides fee-free accounts, including access (everyday accounts) and term investments paying consistently highly competitive interest rates. Our online "community saver account" provides a strong return to the investor and the AIDF will donate a percentage to your parish or favourite Diocesan entity...
The AIDF offers secure ‘Online Transaction Services' functionality including BPay, MYOB, Banklink (accounting), Cemtex (business salary files) and third party payment functionality. The system provider is Data Action, who has many clients in the Credit Union sector. The AIDF also participates in the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECs), through Indue...
The AIDF also provides housing and personal loans to clergy and other persons employed by the diocese.
Also known as: Anglican Investment & Development Fund