Updated 7 days ago
Australiëhavenweg 21 1045 BA Amsterdam
The history of AEB goes back to the beginning of the twentieth century. As Amsterdam expanded, household waste posed an ever growing problem. Vuilverbranding Amsterdam Noord, a waste incineration plant, provided the solution. As the city grew, so did waste processing. The development led to the founding of the Afval Energie Bedrijf (Waste Energy Company), part of the municipality of Amsterdam. AEB became an independent company in 2014. Being independent, we contribute to Amsterdam's sustainability ambitions and those of the surrounding municipalities and companies we work with. Today, AEB is one of the largest waste processing plants in Western Europe... At AEB, everyday, some 320 people work on a better and cleaner society. They work in een inspiring and safe environment. As an independent company AEB Amsterdam contributes to achieving environmental goals of the surrounding municipalities and companies we cooperate with... AEB processes residual waste from municipalities and..