Updated 66 days ago
United Kingdom
Our mission to provide high quality cost effective drug and alcohol rehab treatment and services to those recovering from addiction. In order to accomplish this mission we provide a variety of drug and alcohol rehab residential treatment, psychological, behavioural, general health and complimentary therapy interventions that enable our clients to fully recover. Testimonials……... ADUS Health care is a professional substance misuse organization that provides advice, help, counselling, rehab treatment and aftercare for those who suffer drugs and alcohol addiction, dual diagnosis or eating disorders. We help you find appropriate services, therapy, day care and residential rehab treatment tailored to meet your specific needs... We are here to help, and we can help, so if you need free help, advice or support for you or a loved one, then why not call us today on Tel: 07811 606 606. We are open 24 hours a day and there is always a trained member of staff awaiting your call. You will NOT be..