Updated 100 days ago
Private Limited Company
- Active - SC235634 (CH)
- Age: 22 years
- ID: 4826171/112
Skypark 1, 8 Elliot Place, Glasgow, G3 8EP, UK
• 64999 - Financial intermediation not elsewhere classified
Fleet Alliance is one of the leading independent Fleet Management specialists in the UK. From SME to large corporates, we help companies of all sizes manage their vehicle fleet while reducing operating costs and delivering the highest levels of service in our industry...
Fleet Alliance Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (reference number 673150). Not all types of business undertaken are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in Scotland No. SC235634. Registered Address: Skypark 1, 8 Elliot Place, Glasgow, G3 8EP, UK. Fleet Alliance Ltd is an independent credit broker, not a lender. We will receive commission for introducing you to a funder.
Also known as: FLEET ALLIANCE LIMITED, Fleet Alliance Ltd
Registration numbers: 235634 (W), SC235634 (CH), Z7736824 (W)
VAT numbers: GB183306612
Associated domains: absolutevehicles.com, neva-a1.co.uk, neva-a1capital.co.uk, neva-cambridge.co.uk, neva-consultants.biz, neva-consultants.co.uk, neva-consultants.com, neva-kew.com, neva-manchester.co.uk, neva-miltonkeynes.co.uk, neva.co.uk, nevacars.co.uk, nevacars.com, nevacity.co.uk, nevaconsultants.co.uk, nevaconsultants.com, nevacontracthire.co.uk, nevacorporatefinance.co.uk, nevaessex.co.uk, nevakew.com, nevaleeds.co.uk, nevamidsussex.co.uk, nevaplc.co.uk, nevaplc.com, nevasouthwales.co.uk, nevasouthyorkshire.co.uk, nevavanleasing.co.uk