Updated 27 days ago
Woking Strokeability was founded by David and Edna Balcombe. David suffered a stroke in January 2003 and failed to find rehabilitation classes for stroke survivors or similar disabilities locally. They formed Woking Strokeability as a registered charity, No. 1126721, on 1st November 2008, affiliated to the Stroke Association. Edna retired from active involvement in 2013 and we are pleased to say that we have been able to continue the good work and that the group has gone from strength to strength... Woking Strokeability is a club providing aerobic exercise and aqua exercise for stroke survivors and those with similar disabilities such as multiple sclerosis, car accident victims, brain damage, etc. Isobel, our lead trainer, is qualified in stroke rehabilitation. Exercises cater for all ages and involve carers allowing everyone to work at their own level. They involve endurance, strength and resistance training as well as co-ordination skills to help promote mobility and flexibility.....
Registration numbers: 1126721 (W)
Associated domains: wokingstrokeability.co.uk