Updated 12 days ago
St Peter and All Souls Geneva St Peterborough PE1 2RS
We are encouraging parishioners to pay their collection by direct debit or through online banking. Please do consider paying your weekly collection by direct debit if you do not already do so. If you bank online, you can round up whatever you pay weekly into a monthly figure or make one off payments. You can also set your own frequency. The HSBC are now charging us for banking cash so the less cash the less charges... Preparation for the Birth of Christ: Advent is a time to prepare our hearts and minds to celebrate the arrival of Jesus. We reflect on the Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament, their fulfilment in Jesus our hope (1 Tim. 1:1), and thus the mission of salvation he's given to us as members of the one Church he founded... In essence, this season is a bridge between the past, present, and future. It allows us to look back on the hope for the Saviour of the World, experience anew the joy of his arrival and also his reign in the present through his Church, and to prepare..
Also known as: St Peter and All Souls
Registration numbers: 278742 (W)
Associated domains: stpeterandallsouls-peterborough.org.uk