Updated 13 days ago
36 Kingston House Gardens, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 7HL
GIRES is a UK wide organisation whose purpose is to improve the lives of trans and gender diverse people of all ages, including those who are non-binary and non-gender...
GIRES is a professionally managed membership charity supported by volunteers that, in collaboration with other groups in its field, hears, helps, empowers and gives a voice to trans and gender diverse individuals, including those who are non-binary and non-gender, as well as their families...
GIRES is a charity whose aim is to work to help the trans and gender non-conforming communities including those whose preferred expression is non-binary and non-gender. The charity is operated by volunteers who give their time freely to support those struggling with gender expression.
Also known as: Gender Identity Research & Education Society
Registration numbers: 1068137 (W)