Updated 17 days ago
Hengelosestraat 500 7521 AN Enschede, the Netherlands
20-sim provides you with features that allow you to create models very quickly and intuitively. You can create models using equations, block diagrams, physics blocks and bond graphs. Various features help you to build your models, simulate them and analyse their performance... 20-sim is a modeling and simulation software package for mechatronic systems. It runs on PC-computers with a Windows OS (Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10) and requires 450 MB of disk space. With 20-sim, models can be created graphically, similar to drawing an engineering scheme. With these models, the behaviour of dynamic systems can be analyzed and control systems can be designed. 20-sim models can be exported as C-code to be run on hardware for rapid prototyping and HIL-simulation... The 20-sim software consist of 2 windows which are tightly integrated. Models are created in the editor and simulation runs and results are shown in the simulator. When 20-sim is started, the editor will open. The editor contains a model..
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