TJP - History of Changes

2025-01-24 delete person Kiera Patel
2025-01-24 update person_title Saumil Kamdar: Business Monitoring Officer => Compliance Executive
2024-10-22 update person_title Alex Lorenz: Head of Compliance => Finance; Head of Compliance
2024-10-22 update person_title Andrew Crick: Operations Executive => Operations Executive / Compliance
2024-10-22 update person_title Chris Heath: Mortgage Adviser; Member of the Mortgage Team => Member of the Mortgage Team; Mortgage Adviser / Operations
2024-10-22 update person_title Lia Emsden: Member of the Mortgage Team; Mortgage Administrator / Operations => Member of the Mortgage Team; Mortgage Administrator
2024-10-22 update person_title Sarah Spicer: Compliance Executive / Finance => Compliance Executive
2024-09-21 delete person Sarah Wells
2024-09-21 delete person Tasnim Khan
2024-08-20 insert person Andrew Crick
2024-08-20 insert person Anna Murphy
2024-08-20 insert person Joanna Smithers
2024-08-20 insert person Sarah Watts
2024-08-20 insert person Sarah Wells
2024-08-20 insert person Tasnim Khan
2024-08-20 update person_title Sinead Reynolds: Data Analyst; Member of the Mortgage Team; Operations Executive => Member of the Mortgage Team; Business Intelligence Analyst
2024-07-18 delete chro Alice Williams
2024-07-18 delete person Alice Williams
2024-07-18 delete person Drew Harrison
2024-07-18 delete person Elizabeth Keith
2024-07-18 insert person Cheryl Barrett
2024-06-14 insert person Alex Walford
2024-03-17 insert secretary Kaie Vaiksaar
2024-03-17 delete person Ben Middle
2024-03-17 delete person Chloe Hamberger
2024-03-17 delete person Puja Hathi
2024-03-17 delete person Sarah Hiew
2024-03-17 insert person Busola Gbaja
2024-03-17 update person_title Kaie Vaiksaar: HR Coordinator & PA to the Directors => Company Secretary
2024-03-17 update person_title Lia Emsden: Member of the Mortgage Team; Mortgage Administrator => Member of the Mortgage Team; Mortgage Administrator / Operations
2024-03-17 update person_title Sarah Spicer: Compliance Executive => Compliance Executive / Finance
2023-06-24 insert person Sinead Reynolds
2023-05-24 delete person Aimi Healy
2023-05-24 delete person Jocelyn Maagbe
2023-05-24 delete person Kiram Kandola
2023-05-24 insert person Elizabeth Keith
2023-05-24 insert person Nick Freer-Smith
2023-05-24 insert person Sarah Spicer
2023-05-24 insert person Saumil Kamdar
2023-05-24 update person_title Chloe Hamberger: Member of the Mortgage Team; Mortgage Administrator => Member of the Mortgage Team; Mortgage Administrator / Operations
2023-05-24 update person_title Joseph Spicer: Support Consultant; Member of the VIEW TEAM => Financial Adviser; Member of the VIEW TEAM
2023-03-06 delete person Felicity March
2023-03-06 delete person Lindsey Hughes
2023-03-06 update person_title Sarah Hiew: Receptionist => Reception Team Leader
2023-02-02 insert chro Alice Williams
2023-02-02 delete person Joseph Spooner
2023-02-02 insert person Alice Williams
2023-02-02 update person_title Jenny Rawdon: Support Consultant; Member of the VIEW TEAM => Financial Adviser; Member of the VIEW TEAM
2023-02-02 update person_title Robert Clack: Support Consultant; Member of the VIEW TEAM => Financial Adviser; Member of the VIEW TEAM
2023-01-01 delete chro Louise Harknett
2023-01-01 insert otherexecutives Philip Steer
2023-01-01 delete person Christophe Beaupain
2023-01-01 delete person Louise Harknett
2023-01-01 update person_title Philip Steer: Financial Consultant => Director
2022-11-30 insert chro Louise Harknett
2022-11-30 insert person Joseph Spicer
2022-11-30 insert person Louise Harknett
2022-10-29 delete otherexecutives Chris Bryans
2022-10-29 insert coo Liz Alley
2022-10-29 delete person Chris Bryans
2022-10-29 delete person Dave Lewis
2022-10-29 delete person Tim Fautley
2022-10-29 insert person Aimi Healy
2022-10-29 insert person Ben Middle
2022-10-29 insert person Hannah Sweeney
2022-10-29 insert person Liz Alley
2022-10-29 insert person Puja Hathi
2022-10-29 update person_title Chloe Hamberger: Member of the Mortgage Team; Mortgage Administrator / Operations => Member of the Mortgage Team; Mortgage Administrator
2022-10-29 update person_title Jocelyn Maagbe: Compliance Executive / Finance; Compliance Executive => Compliance and Governance Manager
2022-10-29 update person_title Kaie Vaiksaar: Operations Coordinator & PA => HR Coordinator & PA to the Directors
2022-10-29 update person_title Kiera Patel: Member of the Mortgage Team; Mortgage Administrator => Member of the Mortgage Team; Senior Mortgage Administrator
2022-10-29 update person_title Rachael Molyneux: HR Executive => HR Manager
2022-07-29 delete coo Ashwin Gopaul
2022-07-29 delete person Ashwin Gopaul
2022-07-29 delete person Caroline Boyd
2022-07-29 delete person Leanne Gilling
2022-07-29 insert person Lindsey Hughes
2022-07-29 update person_title Kaie Vaiksaar: Receptionist => Operations Coordinator & PA
2022-05-29 delete person Niva Deb
2022-04-28 delete person Vanya Nikolova
2022-03-29 insert person Dave Lewis
2022-03-29 insert person Samantha Luc
2022-03-29 update person_title Joseph Spooner: Member of the Mortgage Team; Mortgage Administrator => Mortgage Support Executive; Member of the Mortgage Team
2022-03-29 update person_title Rachael Molyneux: Support Teams HR Executive => HR Executive
2022-02-09 delete person Harry Todman
2022-02-09 delete person Kiram Bhaker
2022-02-09 delete person Roger Roberts
2022-02-09 insert person Chloe Hamberger
2022-02-09 insert person Jocelyn Maagbe
2022-02-09 insert person Kiram Kandola
2022-02-09 update person_title Kiera Patel: Member of the Mortgage Team; Mortgage Administrator / Operations => Member of the Mortgage Team; Mortgage Administrator
2022-02-09 update person_title Tim Fautley: Compliance Executive / Finance => Compliance Executive
2021-09-11 insert person David Rosier
2021-02-05 delete person DANIELLE FELTHAM
2021-02-05 delete person HANNAH ROBERTS
2021-02-05 delete person JESSAMINE REEDER
2021-02-05 delete person LYNNE CHAMBERLAIN
2021-02-05 delete person SINEAD NYE
2021-02-05 update person_title ALEX WALFORD: Support Executive => Executive; Finance
2021-02-05 update person_title EMILY PATERSON: Support Executive => Executive; Finance
2021-02-05 update person_title HARRY TODMAN: Mortgage Support Executive => Mortgage Executive
2021-02-05 update person_title JAMES RENN: Senior Mortgage Executive => Mortgage Support Consultant
2021-02-05 update person_title JOSEPH SPICER: Support Executive => Executive; Finance
2021-02-05 update person_title JOSEPH SPOONER: Finance Administrator => Mortgage Administrator
2021-02-05 update person_title LUTHFA RAHMAN: Reception => Operations Support Executive
2021-02-05 update person_title NIALL KEYS: Finance Administrator => Support Executive
2021-02-05 update person_title NICK FREER-SMITH: Support Executive => Executive; Finance
2021-02-05 update person_title RACHAEL MOLYNEUX: Executive; Finance => Senior Finance Executive
2021-02-05 update person_title SAMANTHA LUC: Senior Finance Executive => Support Consultant
2021-02-05 update person_title SARA ABOOD: Support Executive => Executive; Finance
2021-02-05 update person_title STEPHANIE TOVEY: Executive; Finance => Senior Finance Executive
2021-02-05 update person_title TARA DARLINGTON-CRAMOND: Operations => Operations HR Executive
2020-02-21 insert coo ASHWIN GOPAUL
2020-02-21 delete person ABIGAIL GILL
2020-02-21 delete person ANGELA OHUE
2020-02-21 delete person ANGELA ROWE
2020-02-21 delete person CIAN NATION
2020-02-21 delete person FIONA WALDRON
2020-02-21 delete person JAMES GORDON
2020-02-21 update person_title ASHWIN GOPAUL: Head of Compliance => Director of Operations
2020-02-21 update person_title EMMA RYLEY: Personal Assistant to Directors ( Maternity Cover ) => Personal Assistant to Directors
2020-02-21 update person_title TARA DARLINGTON-CRAMOND: Personal Assistant to Directors => Operations
2019-11-30 delete person NICOLE WINCKLER
2019-11-30 insert person Caroline Boyd
2019-11-30 insert person JOSEPH SPOONER
2019-11-30 update person_title ABIGAIL GILL: Financial Adviser; Financial Advisor => Financial Adviser
2019-11-30 update person_title CHRISTIAN TOMASZEWSKI: Executive; Finance => Financial Adviser
2019-10-31 delete person COLIN SLABY
2019-10-31 delete person EMMA THOMAS
2019-10-01 insert person CHRIS WILSON
2019-10-01 update person_title JAMES RENN: Residential Finance => Senior Mortgage Executive
2019-09-01 delete person ANGELA TORPEY
2019-09-01 insert person ABIGAIL GILL
2019-09-01 insert person ANGELA OHUE
2019-09-01 insert person ANGELA ROWE
2019-09-01 insert person CIAN NATION
2019-09-01 insert person DANIELLE FELTHAM
2019-09-01 insert person EMMA RYLEY
2019-09-01 insert person IRENA SAVCHENKO
2019-09-01 insert person JAMES GORDON
2019-09-01 insert person LOUISE RYCROFT
2019-09-01 insert person LUTHFA RAHMAN
2019-09-01 insert person NIALL KEYS
2019-09-01 insert person NICOLE WINCKLER
2019-09-01 insert person RIHAN KAZEEM
2019-09-01 insert person RIKHIL SHAH
2019-09-01 insert person ROGER ROBERTS
2019-09-01 insert person RUTA RUTENAITE
2019-09-01 insert person SHIRLEY CHAPMAN
2019-09-01 update person_description HARRY TODMAN => HARRY TODMAN
2019-09-01 update person_description JOSEPH SPICER => JOSEPH SPICER
2019-09-01 update person_title CHRISTOPHE BEAUPAIN: Financial Adviser => APFS Financial Adviser
2019-09-01 update person_title COLIN SLABY: Trainee Advisor => Senior Finance Executive
2019-09-01 update person_title EUAN BUCKLAND: Finance Administrator => Support Executive
2019-05-25 delete person ADAM HOLT
2019-05-25 delete person MATTHEW BROWN
2019-04-12 delete person JAMES GORDON
2019-04-12 insert person ADAM HOLT
2019-04-12 insert person MATTHEW BROWN
2019-04-12 update person_title COLIN SLABY: Trainee Adviser => Trainee Advisor
2019-03-13 insert cfo JASON LARKMAN
2019-03-13 delete person ADAM HOLT
2019-03-13 delete person MATTHEW BROWN
2019-03-13 insert person ALEX WALFORD
2019-03-13 insert person ANIL RATTU
2019-03-13 insert person ANNA MURPHY
2019-03-13 insert person COLIN SLABY
2019-03-13 insert person ELLIOTT HUDSON
2019-03-13 insert person EMMA THOMAS
2019-03-13 insert person HANNAH ROBERTS
2019-03-13 insert person HARRY TODMAN
2019-03-13 insert person JAMES GORDON
2019-03-13 insert person JAMES RENN
2019-03-13 insert person JESSAMINE REEDER
2019-03-13 insert person LIA MASTRACCI
2019-03-13 insert person LUCY HUCKLE
2019-03-13 update person_description ANGELA JARVIS => ANGELA JARVIS
2019-03-13 update person_description Chris Bryans => CHRIS BRYANS
2019-03-13 update person_description DANIELLE PANTELI => DANIELLE PANTELI
2019-03-13 update person_description PAUL KIPPIN => PAUL KIPPIN
2019-03-13 update person_description PHILIP STEER => PHILIP STEER
2019-03-13 update person_description Robert Guy => ROBERT GUY
2019-03-13 update person_title ASHWIN GOPAUL: Operations & Compliance => Head of Compliance
2019-03-13 update person_title CHRIS HEATH: CEMAP Mortgage Adviser; Mortgage Adviser => CEMAP Mortgage Adviser
2019-03-13 update person_title DANIELLE PANTELI: Residential Finance => Head of Residential Finance
2019-03-13 update person_title FIONA WALDRON: Support Executive => Executive; Finance
2019-03-13 update person_title JASON LARKMAN: Finance => Head of Finance
2019-03-13 update person_title JENNA BRASSINGTON: Executive; Finance => Senior Finance Executive
2019-03-13 update person_title JENNY RAWDON: Executive; Finance => Support Consultant
2019-03-13 update person_title JOSEPH SPICER: Finance Administrator => Support Executive
2019-03-13 update person_title LEANNE GILLING: Residential Finance => Mortgage Executive
2019-03-13 update person_title NICK FREER-SMITH: Finance Administrator => Support Executive
2019-03-13 update person_title PAUL KIPPIN: Financial Adviser; APFS FPFS Financial Adviser => FPFS Financial Adviser; Financial Adviser
2019-03-13 update person_title RORY WILKES: Residential Finance => Mortgage Support Executive
2019-03-13 update person_title SAMANTHA LUC: Executive; Finance => Senior Finance Executive
2019-03-13 update person_title SARA ABOOD: Finance Administrator => Support Executive
2019-03-13 update person_title STEPHANIE TOVEY: Support Executive => Executive; Finance
2019-03-13 update person_title VRINDA PENDRED: Executive; Finance => Senior Finance Executive
2018-08-02 update person_title ROBERT CLACK: Executive; Finance => Support Consultant
2018-01-21 delete person GREGORY HOLLIGAN
2018-01-21 delete person JASON WOOD
2018-01-21 delete person PHILLIPPA KNIGHT
2017-10-19 delete person SIAN TAYLOR
2017-10-19 update person_title ADAM HOLT: Finance Administrator => Support Executive
2017-10-19 update person_title CHRIS HEATH: Residential Finance; CEMAP Residential Finance => CEMAP Mortgage Adviser; Mortgage Adviser
2017-10-19 update person_title CHRISTIAN TOMASZEWSKI: Support Executive => Executive; Finance
2017-10-19 update person_title ELLYN KERSEY: Finance Administrator => Support Executive
2017-10-19 update person_title EMILY PATERSON: Finance Administrator => Support Executive
2017-10-19 update person_title RACHAEL MOLYNEUX: Support Executive => Executive; Finance
2017-10-19 update person_title SINEAD NYE: Finance Administrator => Operations & Compliance
2017-09-08 delete person CHARLOTTE MONTAGUE
2017-09-08 delete person EMMA SANDERS
2017-09-08 delete person PERRY PEARCE
2017-09-08 update person_title Chris Bryans: Board Director; Finance Administrator; Director => Board Director; Director
2017-06-17 delete otherexecutives JASON WOOD
2017-06-17 delete person AMELIA DOWNES
2017-06-17 delete person JAMES RENN
2017-06-17 delete person MINAL KOTECHA
2017-06-17 insert person ADAM HOLT
2017-06-17 insert person DAVID STEAD
2017-06-17 insert person DREW HARRISON
2017-06-17 insert person EUAN BUCKLAND
2017-06-17 insert person NICK FREER-SMITH
2017-06-17 insert person PERRY PEARCE
2017-06-17 insert person RORY WILKES
2017-06-17 insert person SARA ABOOD
2017-06-17 insert person SIAN TAYLOR
2017-06-17 update person_description ELLYN KERSEY => ELLYN KERSEY
2017-06-17 update person_description EMMA SANDERS => EMMA SANDERS
2017-06-17 update person_description FIONA WALDRON => FIONA WALDRON
2017-06-17 update person_description JASON WOOD => JASON WOOD
2017-06-17 update person_description JENNA BRASSINGTON => JENNA BRASSINGTON
2017-06-17 update person_description JENNY RAWDON => JENNY RAWDON
2017-06-17 update person_description JOSEPH SPICER => JOSEPH SPICER
2017-06-17 update person_description LEANNE GILLING => LEANNE GILLING
2017-06-17 update person_description PHILLIPPA KNIGHT => PHILLIPPA KNIGHT
2017-06-17 update person_description RACHAEL MOLYNEUX => RACHAEL MOLYNEUX
2017-06-17 update person_title ANDY BRACKEN: Financial Advisor => Financial Adviser
2017-06-17 update person_title ANGELA JARVIS: FPFS Financial Advisor; Financial Advisor => Financial Adviser; FPFS Financial Adviser
2017-06-17 update person_title ANTHONY FOWLER: Financial Advisor => Financial Adviser
2017-06-17 update person_title CHRIS WADDELL: Financial Advisor; FCSI Financial Advisor => Financial Adviser; FCSI Financial Adviser
2017-06-17 update person_title CHRISTOPHE BEAUPAIN: Support Consultant => Financial Adviser
2017-06-17 update person_title ELLYN KERSEY: Financial Administrator; Finance Administrator => Finance Administrator
2017-06-17 update person_title EMILY PATERSON: Financial Administrator; Finance Administrator => Finance Administrator
2017-06-17 update person_title JASON WOOD: Executive; Finance; Director => Executive; Finance
2017-06-17 update person_title JESSICA AYRES: Financial Advisor; APFS Financial Advisor => Financial Adviser; APFS Financial Adviser
2017-06-17 update person_title JOSEPH SPICER: Financial Administrator; Finance Administrator => Finance Administrator
2017-06-17 update person_title PAUL KIPPIN: APFS FPFS Financial Advisor; Financial Advisor => Financial Adviser; APFS FPFS Financial Adviser
2017-06-17 update person_title PHILIP STEER: Financial Advisor => Financial Adviser
2017-06-17 update person_title PHILLIPPA KNIGHT: Financial Administrator; Finance Administrator => Finance Administrator
2017-06-17 update person_title Robert Guy: Financial Adviser; Financial Advisor => Financial Adviser
2017-06-17 update person_title SIMON HOLLYHOMES: Financial Advisor => Financial Adviser
2017-06-17 update person_title SINEAD NYE: Financial Administrator; Finance Administrator => Finance Administrator
2017-01-30 delete person LOUIE MUNRO
2016-08-06 insert person ELLYN KERSEY
2016-07-09 insert otherexecutives DAWN BUCKLAND
2016-07-09 insert otherexecutives JASON WOOD
2016-07-09 update person_description Jessica Ayres => JESSICA AYRES
2016-07-09 update person_description MINAL KOTECHA => MINAL KOTECHA
2016-07-09 update person_description STEPHANIE TOVEY => STEPHANIE TOVEY
2016-07-09 update person_title DAWN BUCKLAND: Financial Advisor => Financial Advisor; Director
2016-07-09 update person_title JASON WOOD: Executive; Finance => Executive; Finance; Director
2016-07-09 update person_title MINAL KOTECHA: Finance Administrator => Support Executive
2016-07-09 update person_title ROBERT CLACK: Support Executive => Executive; Finance
2016-07-09 update person_title STEPHANIE TOVEY: Financial Administrator; Finance Administrator => Support Executive
2016-05-10 delete person MINAL SHAH
2016-05-10 delete person TUSCHINA EHRENSPERGER
2016-05-10 insert person MINAL KOTECHA
2016-05-10 update person_title CHARLOTTE MONTAGUE: Finance Administrator => Support Executive
2016-05-10 update person_title CHRISTIAN TOMASZEWSKI: Finance Administrator => Support Executive
2016-05-10 update person_title CHRISTOPHE BEAUPAIN: Executive; Finance => Support Consultant
2016-05-10 update person_title FIONA WALDRON: Finance Administrator => Support Executive
2016-05-10 update person_title JASON WOOD: Finance Administrator => Executive; Finance
2016-05-10 update person_title LEANNE GILLING: Financial Administrator; Administrator; Finance Administrator => Residential Finance; Administrator
2016-05-10 update person_title LOUIE MUNRO: Finance Administrator => Support Executive
2016-05-10 update person_title RACHAEL MOLYNEUX: Financial Administrator; Finance Administrator => Support Executive
2016-05-10 update person_title ROBERT CLACK: Finance Administrator => Support Executive
2016-05-10 update person_title TARA DARLINGTON-CRAMOND: Financial Administrator; Finance Administrator => Personal Assistant to Directors
2016-05-10 update person_title VRINDA PENDRED: Finance Administrator => Executive; Finance
2016-04-12 delete person LUCY MILLS
2016-04-12 insert person AMELIA DOWNES
2016-04-12 insert person EMILY PATERSON
2016-04-12 insert person JOSEPH SPICER
2016-04-12 insert person LEANNE GILLING
2016-04-12 insert person PHILLIPPA KNIGHT
2016-04-12 insert person STEPHANIE TOVEY
2016-04-12 insert person TARA DARLINGTON-CRAMOND
2016-04-12 insert person TUSCHINA EHRENSPERGER
2016-01-26 insert person LUCY MILLS
2015-10-26 update person_description ANTHONY FOWLER => ANTHONY FOWLER
2015-09-28 delete person LUCY MILLS
2015-05-09 delete person KAT CROWE
2015-05-09 update person_description ANGELA JARVIS => ANGELA JARVIS
2015-05-09 update person_title ANGELA JARVIS: Executive; Finance; APFS Finance Executive => FPFS Financial Advisor; Financial Advisor
2015-02-04 update person_title Jessica Ayres: Finance; Advisor; APFS Financial Advisor; Financial Executive => Financial Advisor; APFS Financial Advisor; Financial Executive
2014-11-29 delete person ABBIE RANDALL
2014-11-29 insert person CHARLOTTE MONTAGUE
2014-11-29 insert person CHRIS WADDELL
2014-11-29 insert person CHRISTIAN TOMASZEWSKI
2014-11-29 insert person FIONA WALDRON
2014-11-29 insert person JAMES RENN
2014-11-29 insert person JASON KHAN
2014-11-29 insert person MINAL SHAH
2014-11-29 insert person RACHAEL MOLYNEUX
2014-11-29 insert person SINEAD NYE
2014-11-29 update person_description ASHWIN GOPAUL => ASHWIN GOPAUL
2014-11-29 update person_description CHRISTOPHE BEAUPAIN => CHRISTOPHE BEAUPAIN
2014-11-29 update person_description GREGORY HOLLIGAN => GREGORY HOLLIGAN
2014-11-29 update person_description JASON WOOD => JASON WOOD
2014-11-29 update person_description LOUIE MUNRO => LOUIE MUNRO
2014-11-29 update person_title ASHWIN GOPAUL: Operations => Operations & Compliance
2014-11-29 update person_title Chris Bryans: Board Director; Director => Board Director; Finance Administrator; Director
2014-11-29 update person_title GREGORY HOLLIGAN: Operations & Compliance => Finance; in 2005 As Finance Controller
2014-11-29 update person_title JASON LARKMAN: Operations & Compliance => Finance
2014-11-29 update person_title JENNA BRASSINGTON: Administrator; Finance Administrator => Executive; Finance
2014-11-29 update person_title Jessica Ayres: Executive; Finance; APFS Finance Executive; Financial Executive => Finance; Advisor; APFS Financial Advisor; Financial Executive
2014-11-29 update person_title PAUL KIPPIN: Financial Advisor; APFS Financial Advisor => APFS FPFS Financial Advisor; Financial Advisor
2014-11-29 update person_title SAMANTHA LUC: Finance Administrator => Executive; Finance
2014-03-26 insert person ASHWIN GOPAUL
2014-03-26 update person_description SAMANTHA LUC => SAMANTHA LUC
2014-03-26 update person_title CHRIS HEATH: Mortgage Executive; CEMAP Mortgage Executive => Residential Finance; CEMAP Residential Finance
2014-03-26 update person_title DANIELLE PANTELI: Mortgage Manager => Residential Finance
2014-01-16 delete otherexecutives IAN HART
2014-01-16 delete person ELLIE CLAPTON
2014-01-16 delete person LEWIS MUNRO
2014-01-16 insert person LOUIE MUNRO
2014-01-16 update person_title IAN HART: Director => null
2013-10-24 insert person SAMANTHA LUC