Updated 284 days ago
Private Limited Company
- Active - 04336785 (CH)
- Age: 23 years
- ID: 3534724/161
St John's Innovation Centre Cambridge CB4 0WS
• 74100 - specialised design activities
2idesign is a Award Winning Creative Design Agency based in St John's Innovation Centre, specialising in website design, branding and publishing. We design print and digital solutions for start-up and established corporate companies as well as publishers. Our integrated approach to creative design, project management and editorial is unique and this is echoed by the professionalism of our client base... 2idesign create beautifully designed websites that are clean and easy to use. We have designed and built a variety of websites from brochure to corporate, commercial, consumer, education, charity and point of presence. We only build in-house to keep control of quality and security... 2idesign believe that it is impossible to produce an exceptional interface design without a strong knowledge of both UI/UX. But add to this our USP in producing educational publications (where the editorial and design are interlinked) and you achieve the perfect UI/UX design for Websites, Apps or..
Also known as: 2I DESIGN LIMITED, 2idesign Ltd.
Registration numbers: 04336785 (CH)