Updated 884 days ago
Private Limited Company
- Active - 04900547 (CH)
- Age: 21 years
- ID: 3455811/158
The Granary Business Centre 1 Waverley Lane Farnham Surrey GU9 8BB
• 26309 - Manufacture of communication equipment other than telegraph, and telephone apparatus and equipment
• 62012 - Business and domestic software development
• 62020 - Information technology consultancy activities
• 63110 - Data processing, hosting and related activities
The RFID Centre is based in Camberley to the south west of London, within easy reach of the M25, M3, M4 motorways and Heathrow Airport...
The RFID Centre specialises in services and solutions for identifying, monitoring, tracking and locating any object positioned anywhere - indoors or outside. We utilise several different technologies such as Radio Frequency ID, GPS, wireless, mobility, sensors and other data capture systems. The solutions have wide application across many sectors, especially where there is a requirement for improved visibility and control of mobile assets and resources...
We are a UK company that provides complete business systems comprising both hardware and software to help you identify, monitor, track, locate and manage key objects. We offer individual or combined RFID and GPS systems to ensure seamless end-to-end tracking and visibility from global, to local, to in-room level.
Also known as: RFID CENTRE LTD
Registration numbers: 04900547 (CH)
Associated domains: rfidc.co.uk, rfidcenter.co.uk, rfidcentre.co.uk, tagmobile.co.uk