Emma Plackett - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
"We believe that anyone who understands speech and can match shapes can soon learn to read, regardless of whether they have a special educational need. In fact, we have a proven track record of helping those where everything else failed. Helping people achieve their potential is an enormous privilege and it starts with reading ability. Helena and I have taught many children to read with this reading toolkit and we now want to share this method with a wider audience. It is a delight to use and I am certain you will enjoy using it too. It's a unique product." Co-founder Emma Plackett is a learning and development professional with a background of experience in national and internationally recognised companies. She takes an active interest in literacy and learning policy. Emma has provided recommendations to the All Parliamentary Group for education report into Overcoming Barriers to Literacy and actively engages with schools and parents on the subject.

Helena Rogers - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
Founder Helena Rogers is a qualified teacher and former head teacher, who recognized the need for a simple and universally accessible learn-to-read system. Having experienced many reading schemes in her 25 years of teaching, she honed the Reading Revival method and has now adapted it to suit home teaching through our handy kit.